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What is Parents Association of the French School of Caucasus – APE? 


What is Parents Association of the French School of Caucasus – APE? 


•           Representing parents

•           Supporting projects in the benefit of our children

•           Creating closer ties between the EFC and the families


The Parents' Association of the French School of the Caucasus (APE-EFC) mission is to represent and to unite the parents and any other school-related persons who want to improve the school experience for their children and to be involved in the EFC life in a meaningful way.


APE-EFC is a self-funded, non-profit association: we proceed by funds raising initiatives. All money collected are invested to support school projects and events, in particular financial aid for class projects and study trips and the organization of the “Kermesse”, uniting all the kids of the EFC, their parents and family members over a big end-of-school year celebration.


APE Membership is free and all parents and other school-related persons are welcome to participate.

You are welcome to join us!



Présidente : Himan TARTAG 

Vice-présidentes : Ina CLOUET 

Trésorière : Rusudan GAVASHELISHVILI 

Secrétaire : Anne MARREC

Translator: Tamar KATSANASHVILI 

Cultural project manager: Khatuna BILLOIS et Rusudan KVIRTSKHALIA


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© 2021 by Ecole Française du Caucase

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